Switching Teams Without Resetting - Google Doodle Champion Island Games - doodlechampion.com

Switching Teams Without Resetting – Google Doodle Champion Island Games

Jenna Cherrywood
Views: 8892
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I found a way how to switch teams without resetting 🙂
Just right click, click inspect, then find the “Application” tab near the top, then scroll down to where it says “KITSUNE_PLAYER_TEAM”
From there, just change your team to red, blue, green, or yellow, and start contributing to your new team’s leaderboard score!


  1. I'll actually sub back to people who sub to me ! says:

    Thank you so much this actually worked and I switched to red team 👏👏💗💗🙏

  2. I did it wrong and got a lot of glitches

  3. this makes me wonder what happens if you set it to something other than a valid team name?

  4. it dosen't work in the chrome version, but still a good trick 🙂

  5. I'm using phone,so the only way to switch teams is (to not reset) to play on another device,because i also have a tablet and i'm team yellow,and on my tablet is team green,hope this is helpful 🙂

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