Northern Mountain Exploration | Google Doodle Champion Island Games! -

Northern Mountain Exploration | Google Doodle Champion Island Games!

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This mountain area of Champion Island consist of few houses and tons of climbing stones to reach Fukuro. Many has claimed that no one has been able to climb up and reach Fukuro hence Fukuro never came down to the dojo. Fukuro is an giant owl or in Japanese Myths, symbolize good fortune and luck. In game, you can see Fukuro holding 2 “items” ( sorry I wasn’t sure what it’s called ). Each creates life and since Fukuro is on top of the mountain, it creates a river that runs through the entire island, hence giving life for the entire island ?

There is a cave you can reach to find one of the 3 turtle sister who built the red gate at Princes Otohime (dancing game) area. Upon reaching the cave I can’t help but think of Pokemon each time you enter a cave you will greet by countless of Zubat. Also the monkeys in hot spring are a natural phenomenon !

Tengu Village:

Marathon Beach:

Oni Island:

Tanooki City:

#GoogleDoodleChampionIsland #Fukuro #GoogleDoodle