Gotta Go FAST ! | Google Doodle Champion Island Explored
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Marathon beach included several side quest to be explore.
Interestingly there are no Team Headquarters on the beach and only 2 house available as most kijimuna lives on trees. There are few side quest available and total of 2 sports games ( normal marathon and hard marathon ) available.
Interestingly there are no Team Headquarters on the beach and only 2 house available as most kijimuna lives on trees. There are few side quest available and total of 2 sports games ( normal marathon and hard marathon ) available.
Champion Island Secrets :
Cat Nap Enabler Trophy Guide :
Secret Beach’s Secret Character :
Sunken Red Bridge Trophy Guide :
Doodle Champion Island Playlist :
Thanks for watching !
#marathon #GoogleDoodleChampionIsland #ChampionIsland