Google Doodle Lucky the Cat Champion Island begins Full Gameplay 7 sports complete ending #olympic
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Google Olympic Game – Doodle Champion Island Playthrough (All Trophies Achieved!)
Welcome to the Doodle Champion Island Games! Over the coming weeks, join calico (c)athlete Lucky as she explores Doodle Champion Island:a world filled with seven sport mini-games, legendary opponents, dozens of daring side quests, and a few new and old friends. Her ultimate goal? Defeat each sport Champion to collect all seven sacred scrolls—and complete extra hidden challenges across Champion Island in the process.
Are you feline Lucky 😼? Click on today’s Doodle, join one of the four color teams to contribute to the real-time global leaderboard, and let the games begin!
The game has 7 sports mini games with opponents based on Japanese folklore characters, and you can play it on the Google homepage while it’s up!!
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Just finished everything and got all the secondary achievements. Don't know if there is anything else to do for the game to fully end.
You are truly the chosen one!
i am just stuck in the music one how to do it pls tell