Google Doodle: Champion Island, Task 1/22: Book Enthusiast/Olive the Otter -

Google Doodle: Champion Island, Task 1/22: Book Enthusiast/Olive the Otter

Kevin Howells
Views: 13761
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Google Doodle: Champion Island

Here I create a playlist in which you can see how to finish every side task.

Thanks to XRecorder for creating a superior app that can record on-screen.

If you don’t recognize it, Olive the Otter is the Otter in Tanooki City of Skateboarding.

Thank You!


  1. Im almost dont with the game ty for this you are a life saver

  2. this was very helpful, but maybe switch to a computer

  3. Go to your screen recorder button and hold it then push the system sound in sounds

  4. this actually helped me i forgot were olive the otter was ,thanks!

  5. Uh as of today have been just able to get 5 scrolls am in the green team and 13 tasks.

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