Google Doodle: Champion Island, Task 1/22: Book Enthusiast/Olive the Otter
Kevin Howells
Views: 13761
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Google Doodle: Champion Island
Here I create a playlist in which you can see how to finish every side task.
Thanks to XRecorder for creating a superior app that can record on-screen.
If you don’t recognize it, Olive the Otter is the Otter in Tanooki City of Skateboarding.
Thank You!
Im almost dont with the game ty for this you are a life saver
mcdonalds internet
this was very helpful, but maybe switch to a computer
Go to your screen recorder button and hold it then push the system sound in sounds
thanks kevin.. very helpfull
this actually helped me i forgot were olive the otter was ,thanks!
thank you
a big help!
Uh as of today have been just able to get 5 scrolls am in the green team and 13 tasks.
Thanks for the help
thx dude
thx thats this is my secend last side task
'preciate it my man
This Was Really Helpful!!