Google Doodle - Champion Island Speedrun (9:30) -

Google Doodle – Champion Island Speedrun (9:30)

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Google released a cute retro game to celebrate the Tokyo Olympic games.

Though it’s no longer on the main page, you can still play it by visiting:

and clicking on the header.

Time includes everything before the final cutscene.

I’ve also started making videos for the Hardmode Challenges:

Archery 2:

Rugby 2:

Climbing 2 Speedrun (29 seconds):

Skating 2 (High score over 2 Million):

P.s. we love playing and making games.
If you’re into roguelites and platformers we’ve been working on one called Aura of Worlds:


  1. I can't do the climbing and I don't know why 😂 (in this game his playing)can't even go to the first lantern

  2. Yo Sofia fui a la hija de mi mamá una doctora qué es Alely castillo Aguilar que intente y no pude el de pinpong y el de corer

  3. i took all the trophies and took all the scrolls and i won in 47 minutes

  4. yo fuy uno de las personas que termino el juego y se el fina

  5. In skateboarding I’m literally a god I’ve memorized all six moves by heart (helicopter, left right left jump. Headstand, down left up jump. Barrel roll, left up jump. Nose grab, jump. Kick flip, left jump. Bs 180, left up right).

  6. You don't finish the Game it's a other final

  7. its kinda weird how there is many blue and red onis

  8. 9:36 Is that waterfive (pls dont delete or report my comment)

  9. I don't mean to be mean or anything but I am better at skateboarding and artistic swimming.

  10. Great job! I'll give you this 🍡🍡

  11. I just played this game and its my favorite one!

  12. In the artistic swimming i never miss a arrow

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