Google Doodle Champion Island Games Glitch% 7:40.96 (WR) -

Google Doodle Champion Island Games Glitch% 7:40.96 (WR)

Kurt Koopa
Views: 8868
Like: 69
Still trying to push it. Gosh dang, I thank the Speed Runner community for showing me a new technique. I’m so exhausted from this. XD


  1. Can someone please explain what the stuff at the start is?

  2. yep mines raining right now its so cool xd 🙂

  3. It's kinda funny how the speedrunner talks all time but he speaks so quiet because the game is to loud

  4. My first ever run like two days ago was 18:23.74. I know that's not a good time, but this is also the first game I've ever tried to speedrun actively.

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