Google Doodle Champion Island - All secret missions with timestamps -

Google Doodle Champion Island – All secret missions with timestamps

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Not a .io game this time, but the Google Doodle Island Champions game! This game, in theme of the current olympics, seems simple at first, but has a lot of hidden tasks. In this video, I completed them all. See all the timestamps in the pinned comment if you are looking for a specific task to complete. Enjoy!

00:00 Find the lost ping-pong bat
00:01:10 Oni career change, get water for construction, melt the snow of the hot-springs
00:06:32 Find the daughter on the beach
00:08:26 Restoring the sunken red gate
00:12:25 Finding wood for the artist, open the secret beach by solving the quarrel in the tree
00:15:24 Getting locks for the porcupine in the docks
00:17:16 Getting the lazy cat out of the noodle bar to his training
00:21:00 Stop the rain in the bamboo forest, light the lanterns around the ping-pong table
00:24:00 Beating all three ping-pong games
00:31:01 Find the otters book with the note of his lover
00:32:17 Find the lucky arrow for the young archer, find the 5 arrows for the arrow collector
00:34:51 Find the captain of the rugby team
00:36:54 Find the ghost and connect her with her son
00:38:56 Bring super-mountain-girl to the birthday party
00:40:27 Wake the previous Chosen One
00:41:33 Solve the wind problem caused by the fan
00:44:56 Find the secret skating park in the city and skate it
00:48:30 Find the real Trophy-Master
00:51:51 Beating the easy marathon
00:51:50 Beating the hard marathon
00:56:38 Beating the easy climbing wall
00:57:43 Beating the hard climbing wall
01:00:31 Beating the rugby game
01:01:56 Beating the archer
01:03:53 Fist artistic swimming game
01:05:43 Artistic swimming at sunken gate
01:07:00 Get the skating trophy
01:08:47 End of game, all trophies collected and games beaten