Doodle Champion Island | All Scrolls: Tips and Secrets -

Doodle Champion Island | All Scrolls: Tips and Secrets

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0:00 Archery (8700)
Missing does not deduct points, so hold down the spacebar to spam arrows! Lucky takes about 30 seconds to warm up her firing arm.
1:15 Full Combo Artistic Swimming (Perfect! x132 + Good! x7 = 61550)
Thank goodness this version of the Olympics has retries! Keep practicing for a higher score.
2:22 Secret Song Locations
2:47 Skateboarding (2585018)
Reset the stage until you see Tanuki. Crashing into him nets a tasty 5000 points. Jump with spacebar to keep the multiplier going, and do low-risk moves in between your hops. FS180 (300 pts.) is left-right-down, a simple swish of the keyboard. End the combo with at least 3 seconds on the clock.
4:26 Barrel Roll
4:29 86, Time Remaining: 1:05
Dodge snowballs mid-jump by tapping right + left.
5:05 139, Time Remaining: 0:55
The blue stone at 5:30 can be tricky to reach. Jump as it is offscreen and moving down.
Table Tennis
6:00 Perfect Score: 6000
Save the Power Shot for dire situations.
7:09 10100
8:41 Rugby (2430)
Ayyyy. It’s like Pac-Man! Consume the power-up of demonic energy to inflict revenge upon the oni. Passing the ball can be used defensively and offensively!
9:49 No-damage run, 0:43.46
10:59 2:29.83, Collisions: 5
The faster Lucky goes, the easier Marathon gets. Enemy hitboxes are smaller than they seem, so barely move and trigger invisibility whenever those crazy crustaceans dare block your path!